Thursday, May 12, 2005

Area Catholics Speak Out

These letters ran back to back in today's Enquirer (the one in response to the same article as yesterday's). The message: "We will not tolerate lesbians successfully raising children but we demand priests be able to rape them without interference by greedy lawyers."

Article about two moms outrageous

I am outraged by the Mother's Day article on Reds pitcher Joe Valentine ("Red proud to be raised by 2 moms," May 8). Although this article wasn't very opinionated in judging the morality of homosexuality, the very fact that this article was published condones homosexuality.

I would like to remind the author of this article that there are more than 500,000 Catholics in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati alone. I can assure you from a Christian perspective that we will not stand for such atrocious articles the condoning of morally unacceptable behavior.

In these modern times of relativism and hedonism, I challenge all the faithful to take a stand for your Christian values from which this country was founded on and rebuke those who denounce them.

Brian Maguire

Catholics must fight change in law

Regarding the article "Bill would give them more time to sue church" (May 7): It is interesting that Christy Miller, co-leader of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), is upset that the Archdiocese of Cincinnati is opposing a law that would allow 35 years for victims of abuse to sue the church. The people are the church. We are the ones who put our hard-earned dollars into the collection basket. We are the ones who will pay for a change in the law. Miller wants 35 extra years to take our money. The SNAP gang does not want justice; they want to bankrupt the church. All good Catholics need to fight this attempt and ask their representatives to defeat the bill that would change the law.

Tony Pagano
Green Township

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