Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Abject Idiots

In the running debate about religion, it's impossible to ignore the complete idiots. Imagine a moron who would find the following e-mail message inspiring:

So the judge doesn't even pretend to care about the law--nothing matters in his court but his religious bias. I'm sure the type of person who is too stupid to understand even the simplest of legal concepts ("I thinks them druggies are guilty until proven innocent") would get a big chuckle. It's hilarious when 96% of the population pick on the minority train of thought but, as Nathan has pointed out, when they're hit back, they cry.

I think Good Friday should be given as a holiday IF the percentage of workers who won't come in that day will affect overall production. I worked in an office where so many key people took vacation time on Good Friday that the workers who did show up (like me) couldn't get any work done (I'm not sure what everyone else did but my solution was Freecell). This screwed labor, management, and our clients.

In my opinion, holidays ought to be the days that would best suit the workers. If this led to some stupid days off like the day after the Super Bowl and Halloween, so be it.

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